About Grid Action
Grid Action is a broad-based 501(c)(4) organization with a mission to advocate for policies to expand, modernize, and integrate the high-capacity transmission grid.
A resilient and reliable transmission system is the backbone of a modern energy system and a strong economy. Unfortunately, much of the grid infrastructure in the the United States is out of date and insufficient to meet our future energy needs. Grid Action supports policies that will ensure our grid is effectively planned and developed in order to achieve greater security, reliability, affordability, and sustainability of electric power service.
Our Goals
Grid Action advocates for policies that will expand America’s transmission grid to deliver clean, reliable, and affordable power to all communities.
Building new high-capacity transmission will allow the U.S. to take full advantage of its domestic renewable resources, safeguard the grid against extreme weather, lower power generation costs, and unleash millions in economic development opportunities.
Grid Action’s areas of focus include:
Grid Action is lead by an Executive Director and a Board of Directors. The Board is made up of experts representing the highly diverse nature of the Grid Action coalition.